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The Dublin Rosslare rail line services Wicklow Town. View Timetable

There are numerous bus services in and out of Wicklow Town including the hourly 133 service and 131 Service as well as services by Wexford Bus and the Local Link Service between Wicklow and Glendalough, Redcross, Laragh, Tropperstown.

Every effort has been made to nurture a welcoming atmosphere in Wicklow Town, and that outstretched hand has come to include visitor-friendly parking rates and upgrades to public transport to and from the town.

Parking is free for two hours all over Wicklow Town every Saturday, while parking is completely free all over the town on Sundays.

Wicklow Town is close neighbours to the capital city of Dublin and is accessible by the M50 and N11 main roads moving Southwards.

Wicklow also runs a “15 minutes grace” policy with regards to parking on the side of the street. This policy means that you are allowed to park your car for 15 minutes free-of-charge should you need to make a quick stop.

The Wicklow Tourist Office is located on Fitzwilliam Square and is a valuable resource for anyone looking for further details on the best ways to travel around Co. Wicklow.

Getting Here


  1. Wicklow Town is accessible by a number of bus services including; the Bus Éireann 133 service, 131 Service Wexford Bus, and the new Local Link between Wicklow Town and Glendalough, Wicklow Town and Trooperstown, Wicklow Town and Redcross, Wicklow Town and Laragh


  1. Wicklow is easily accessible by commuter train multiple times during the day.

  2. The commuter train goes from Rosslare Europort all the way to Dublin City.

  3. For more information please visit Irish Rail or view the timetable


  1. There are two main ports close to Wicklow Town - Rosslare Europort and Dun Laoghaire Harbour.

  2. Both ports are connected to Wicklow Town via nearby train services.

  3. For more information please visit Irish Rail.


  1. The closest airport to Wicklow Town is Dublin Airport.

  2. Dublin Airport is connected to Wicklow Town via regular bus services throughout the day.

  3. Please visit Bus Eireann or Wexford Bus for further details.

Maps & Guides


Maps & guides

Parking in Wicklow Town


Max stay 2 hours

Monday - Saturday

Directions →

Supervalu car park

Max stay 2 hours

Monday - Saturday

Directions →

murrough car park

All Day Parking

Monday - Saturday

Directions →

Manntains Car park

All Day Parking

Monday - Saturday

Directions →

Map of Wicklow Town 


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