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Wicklow golligor (Golly) Trail

Anyone unfamiliar with Wicklow might not be up to date with the practice of “Golly Fishing”. For the un-iniatiated  a golly is a type of small crab particularly common in the Vartry river in Wicklow town.

This is a very popular past time for children big and small. It is a highlight of Wicklow Regatta Festival  for many years. Parnell Bridge is the location for the  annual Golly Fishing competition. A tradition passed down through generations, there you will see hundreds of young and not so young children with buckets, clutching  make shift baits to lure the gollys from the river, as excitement mounts to see who will have the heaviest bucket and win the competition. The gollies are carefully placed back in the river after the event.

Starting at Parnell footbridge Wicklow Golligor Trail is an interactive activity which brings you on a hunt using QR codes displayed on colourful character tiles along the route.

There are 10 characters to be found hiding along the way…. we hope you have as much fun discovering each one, as we did developing the trail… ENJOY!


Can you find all 8 gollys? use the helpful videos below


 Stop 1: Golly


 Stop 2: Molly


 Stop 3: Olly


 Stop 4: Holly


 Stop 5: Dolly


 Stop 6: Polly


 Stop 7: Lolly


 Stop 8: Wolly


 Stop 9: Colly


 Stop 10: Jolly