Take part in this study on attitudes towards wind energy benefit funds in Co. Wicklow


Nuala Carr is a PHD student seeking to understand the attitudes and perceptions of local coastal communities towards the provision of community benefit funds in Co. Wicklow from offshore wind energy developments.

The data she collects will be analysed to understand if industry strategies and government policies align with community needs and expectations.

The study will take approximately 30 - 40 minutes to complete. If you don’t finish the study in one go, you can stop and return to it at a later time. The study will be followed by a short interview which will be carried out over the telephone or internet. The interview will be audio recorded so as not to miss any detail in the conversation which will assist the interpretation of the results. Your participation in the study will remain anonymous and confidential.

The research is being undertaken as part of a Bryden Centre PhD Research Studentship funded by the EU’s INTERREG VA Programme, which is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) and has been organised through the School of Natural and Built Environment of Queen’s University Belfast.

If you are happy to take part in the study, you will need a participation code - please email ncarr04@qub.ac.uk and Nuala will send you on a participation code.

When you receive your participation code, click on the following link: https://app.qmethodsoftware.com/study/5817

The study will commence until the 12th of August.

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