Wicklow Regatta Festival in full swing

The Wicklow Regatta Festival is well underway with the new Regatta Queen Alex Ludgate chosen last night!

Congratulations to Alex and a big shoutout to the other finalists Leah Kavanagh and Holly McGee for entering as well our outgoing queens, Casey Kelly and Angelica Einstein for their work since 2018. It’s great to have the tradition continue. 

The Wicklow Regtta Committee would like to thank the sponsors for the Regatta Queen contest, JJ Jewellers, Niall Andrea and all the girls at Care Plus Pharmacy Wicklow, SarahMarie Howes of Pretty and Pampered, Christina Clarkin of MX-3 and Eoghan Whelan and the staff of the Jailers Rest Cafe.

This is a community based festival and the small committee are all volunteers who give up their time and skills for free for the benefit of the community

Many of the events are free to attend and are totally reliant on donations to stage them As such the festival relies on donations, sponsorship and the festival program so we would encourage to you buy it! Don’t forget the program also gives free entry to two draws! With the move away from cash we’ve had to look at fundraising online so thank you to everyone that contributed to our online donation page: https://bit.ly/3z4dRfd

We’re constantly looking at ways to enhance the festival by adding new events and we’re always open to suggestions, or to work with local clubs and organisations, insurance permitting!  Volunteers and helpers are always welcome so if there is an event that you would like to help out with let us know.”

Keep an eye on our social media and website – wicklowregtta.com, for updates on what’s happening in the coming days. 

If you would like to contribute towards the running of this year’s Wicklow Regatta Festival, please just click the following link to make a donation – thank you for your support: https://bit.ly/3z4dRfd

McKenna Creative